Wednesday 25 November 2009

CLASSWORK: Introduction to Post Modernism

In class we discussed what we believed to be elements of post modernism. We came up with a varied list including:

- Death of the Author
-End of History
-Differences from the norm
-Blending and piss-taking genre
-Breaking the fourth wall
-Rejections of values or conventions
P - Playfulness (of a text) - This is where in a television series, the text does not take itself or another text seriously.
A - Aesthetics - Cultural Condition, beauty or the way something looks.
I - Intertextuality - Where other texts are referenced to.
N - Nihilistic - Rather pessimistic, no faith
P - Parody - A direct spoof of another text.
I - Irony - a type of sarcasm, in which witty language is used to mean the opposite meaning. For example, a fat person saying to someone to cut down on the fries or something.
P - Pastiche - An imitation of multiple texts.
E - Eclecticism - A combintation of multiple genres.
S - Self-referential - Referring to ones self
We also discussed the origins of 'post-modernism' and how it is different from the classical and ancient view of the world.
For example.
Ancient Classics
Dark Ages
V                      V
Ancients            Moderns

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