Tuesday 1 December 2009



Key Biological Terms: Evolution – Natural Selection – Survival of the Fittest – Darwin – Common Ancestor -Mutation.    On a cellular level, evolution through cells is through Mitosis / Meiosis

Two Debatable Types of Evolution  --------> Biological and/or Physical
                                                             --------> Cultural

Meme: “An idea or creative item that is passed on virally from person to person to the point where lots of people know about it and are talking about it” – OCR media for A2 Studies, Third Edition, Julian McDougall.

An example of a Meme is through Pamela Anderson and 'Baywatch'

Also a 'Postmodern' Meme: http://longroadmedia.com/advent/

Postmodern Elements:

1997, – Wes Craven (Auteur)

Playful – Music is carnival like, plays with typical conventions like Foreshadowing and Pathetic Fallacy and of Horror Movies – and so playing with the memes and conventions.

Intertextuality: We can identify memes within ‘Scream’: Black Eyed Peas, the ‘Scream’ mask comes from Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’, Psycho (through the Shower), and Horror Conventions. Both the blonde female character and the coloured female have popcorn.

Nihilistic: Grim tone

Parody: Parodying ‘Scream 2’ – with popcorn, phone call and knife. Arsenal

Self-Referential: Through the female role commenting on conventions and what we’re thinking. Simulacra is used.

Hyper-reality: through the audience ‘watching the audience’ through the camera shot. The knowing from us that one of these characters will die within the world of the movie we’re watching, not them.


Playful: There are too many words to describe this.

Intertextuality: Memes: Drew Barrymore, Arsenal of weapons of greande, banana etc. ‘Drew’ as a porn model, playing with conventions of a horror including foreshadowing of her death.

Nihilistic: Grim tone

Parody: Parodying ‘Scream 2’ – with popcorn, phone call and knife. Over-Dramatisation of a horror movie, yet incredibly funny. Baywatch parodied with the sprinklers.


Playfulness: Taking the piss out of sequels and themselves. Continuity - such as the bathroom with a dripping door knob and flooded floor you expect a flooded bathroom

Intertextuality: Lord of the Rings, Signs, The Ring

Parody: Themselves, Blonde, the chair - plastic and unreal, their not in reality in a film. Soft porn context. The horror conventions with the telephone - playing with conventions such as the phone-call, it makes us think its going to be someone horrible through the music reinforcing our expectations. Golemn voice -'High Mom'  . Representation of blondes, school girls. The parody of 'The Ring' through the death of Katie and the television. 'Ground-Hog Day' through the dude hitting his head on the lamp. Music and corn-field from 'Signs'. Cat driving tractor, chariot with the dogs, and the dogs smoking Shisha = unreal.

Self-Referential - Through its explicitness.

3-5 Sentences on scream and or scary movie on how they appeal to the audience.

http://ourjourneytosmile.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/the-scream-edvard-munch.jpg (The Scream by Edvward Munch)

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